The support you need for your next bold step 🐆

💭 Here’s what folks have said about my 1:1 coaching:

It was a complete joy. I can't imagine what more I could've received from the time we spent together.”

“If I had to describe what your presence felt like in 3 words: Capable. Warm. At ease.”

“I have been waking up anxious for the last few weeks. I woke up refreshed and smiling today. Thank you so much.”

“A lot of work like this can get very focused on the blocks or stuck feelings. You seem to attend to those only when they’re actually in the way—and when they are, you take them seriously, and inject a ton of kindness into them.”

“You are by far one of the most loving beings I’ve ever met.”

“Feeling renewed optimism, thank you so much, Scott.”

“I had a therapist for a hot minute too recently and even she wasn’t able to do this for me as quickly as you could.”

Scott is a goddamn genius. I learned more about my own practice from spending time with him, and such genuinely deep-rooted things about myself that it pissed me off. How DARE you be this good at what you do?!”

Is this you?

Thoughtful, self-aware, creative, ambitious, and yet feeling stuck

If the above resonates with you, perfect. Our work together will be to amplify your confidence & clarity, so you can build the most beautiful possible life for yourself.